Saturday, November 21, 2009

Intro to Witty Title Reviews

Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog.
My name is Ian, and despite my total lack of credibility, I like to think my opinions matter, so I decided to make a blog for my movie reviews.
To Give you a general idea of what bias I may have these are some of my favorite directors:
Quentin Tarintino, Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, Cohen Brothers, Terry Gilliam, Kevin Smith, Judd Apatow, Sam Rami, Alfred Hitchcock (I like to think of it as a good thing that I'm all over the place with what I like).
About what I hope my blog is like.
-I do mostly movie reviews, however, I reserve the right to talk about something completely different if I see fit.
-I try to see a movie once a week. As a result, I try to get one movie review I week.
-I'm tough critic.
-I understand how tedious many of you find reading to be, so I try to make my writing as entertaining as possible.
-I will take some requests if possible (though I'd rather not review movies that did not come out within the past year).
Now that we got all of that terrible seriousness out of the way, a bit about me.
-I'm a sixteen year old from the suburbs of Massachusetts (there goes my elderly ghetto audience that I had attracted so well).
-I love everything having to do with stage and film from writing and directing, to acting.
-I am a unique geek. I don't play video games at all, but I do have philosophical discussions about all characters' actions in the Star Wars films.
Go ahead and enjoy my reviews. Comment, start discussion, and I look forward to reviewing movies on this blog.
P.S. It's clear that I put no effort into this intro. Its also about 2 in the morning. I apologize for My lack of substance in this first post.
P.P.S. please follow my blog and comment as much as you want. I enjoy discussing anything with anyone.
P.P.P.S. check out my brothers blog. He is like a bitter and more articulate version of me. Here is the link.

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